Thursday, May 4, 2017

GApps for Android 7 0 7 1 Nougat Aroma Super Stock Full Pico etc

GApps for Android 7 0 7 1 Nougat Aroma Super Stock Full Pico etc

Hello Guys, Recently We are ready to share Google GApps for Nougat Android 7.0, CM14 CynogenMod and its supported all Custom ROM for which based on the Nougat Operating System. At this time this GApps 100% compatible with CM14 ROMs and all other Nougat Custom ROM.
GApps for Android 7.0 Nougat

Google Release there new Nougat source code for developers and Custom ROM developers being development of Nougat Custom ROM for your Android Phone. Once you Install CM14/ other Nougat ROM on your device then you needed to also Install GApps for Google Play Store, Google Play Service and other required Apps for your device.

GApps for Android 7.0 Nougat Comes in different variants like Aroma, Super, Stock, Full, Mini, Micro, Nano, Pico and There is one more GApps with the name of TVStock GApps it will upcoming for nougat. If your device has boring Boot animation on your custom ROM. You can also check out our new post about Get Android Nougat Boot Animation on any Android.

Requirement for Installing GApps
  • Custom Nougat ROM already Installed on the device
  • GApps ZIP file
  • TWRP/CWM Recovery
  • Battery level atleat 30% charged

How to Flash GApps on Android 7.0 Nougat

  1. First, download GApps for Nougat/CM14 from end of post link given.
  2. Copy it onto your device Internal/External Storage.
  3. Now Power off and boot your phone into Recovery Mode.
  4. Once your device Reboot into TWRP recovery Tap on ‘Install’ and select Gapps package
  5. Or if you are using the CWM Recovery Select> install zip from SD card and select Gapps package.
  6. Once the GApps flashed on your device.
  7. Clear cache and Dalvik Cache after flashing the Gapps.
  8. Finally Reboot your device

How to Download Right file of GApps for Nougat

  1. Go to GApps download link page from below link
    GApps for Custom Nougat ROM
  2. From Platform, Select your device processor, for example, if your device have ARM64 bit processor then select ARM64 bit Option.
    GApps for Android 7.0 Nougat Download
  3. From Android, Select Android 7.0
    GApps Nougat
  4. From Variant, Select any package file according to your requirement
    GApps for 7.0
  5. Then tap on Red Download Button
    Nougat GApps

Download here

From this post you can download any GApps for Nougat ROM. These files are running on the latest version. If you find anything help full from this Techno Planners blog, Please share this post on your social profile. It will help us to grow. Also Drop your comment below with your review. Thank you and have a nice day.

Go to link download