previously we are share reliance vpn hack, airtel vpn hack and idea working vpn trick. all three vpn trick very fine work in all India. because we are using only working network script and update vpn proxy server in my own made vpn file of configuration.
if this vpn not work in your computer and smartphone. leave it my blog and never come in my blog in future.
if this vpn not work in your computer and smartphone. leave it my blog and never come in my blog in future.
- aircel default proxy hack
- work all network 3g area
- no need any 3g data recharge
- dont make any online recharge before using this trick
- android smartphone giving fast speed with 2g network area
- aircel 3g internet settings for android
- aircel internet plans hack
- no need aircel internet offers
- automatic aircel internet setting download via vpn
- aircel fast internet setting
- vpn mobile internet settings
- 3g internet settings trick
- vpn configuration internet mobile hack
- connect +WiFi Planet
- no required internet 3g plans
mobile user make below configuration setting in +Smartphones
- Download the +aircel 3G TCP VPN Trick Configuration Files given below.
- Download and Install ovpn in smartphone .
- Copy and paste the given configuration files in SD Card config folder.
- Run vpn and connect with the given config.
- Use default APN
For laptop user get this trick via below setting
- Download the aircel 3G TCP VPN Trick Configuration Files given below.
- Download and Install NMDVPN .
- Copy and paste the given configuration files in C:Program Files (x86)NMDVPNconfig folder.
- Run NMDVPN as administrator and connect with the given config.
- Use default APN
Remember :- this trick 100% work in your internet devices. but its aitcp password protected. because this is free blog and i have work all time discover and making new tricks . so please write your thought and comment in comment box. related to blog and its content. this is a seo purpose.if you do not get rar password in 1 day after write a comment. please use my Facebook page for your query.
Download Aircel 100% working Vpn Rar File