Miui official english forums supporting miui and android discussion. Listings for mi 4 - roms ( 15 ) mi 4c stock rom. mi 4 7.2.23 06/23/2018. Xiaomi mi4 i have seen a lot of threads complaining the development and developers for not creating a stable build of marshmallow so far , but infact they put their efforts to the best they can. hence i provide you a thread with all the roms,recoverys,roots,tools,tips for xiaomi mi4 all resources are not my work and all credits are not my work..
Flashing rom android miui di xiaomi redmi 1s, mi3 dan mi4 terkadang sangat dibutuhkan dalam kasus tertentu. misalnya saja saat ketika mengalami bootloop (stuck di logo android), atau karena sistemnya telah di modifikasi (akibat rooting maupun memasang custom rom).. Gelombang ketiga, xiaomi akhirnya merilis miui 9 global stable rom untuk perangkat yang diantaranya adalah xiaomi mi4 dan mi4i. miui 9 dikabarkan memiliki segudang fitur baru untuk memanjakan penggunanya terutama dalam hal peningkatan kinerja. selain itu, fitur seperti image search, smart assistant, smart app. Been using this rom on my mi 4 for past 12 hours and here are my findings there are no groundbreaking bugs as is and it can definitely be used as a daily driver. as mentioned by the op, video recording does not work but if you download a custom camera app from play store (i tried footrej)...